Sunday 23 November 2014

TOTA - Part 7 - From Others

Noticing that his 'darker' stories received more positive reviews, this author decided to produce more darker, dreary, and serious stories, in hoping to continue the positive remarks.

But then, several readers, starting from a request to create some lighter works, sang into a chorus of demands to release a more positive work, ever if no one could ever mind. As sensitive as he is (or he may be), and out of response from all the 'spam' in his e-mail section, their pressure was a success, as his latest work (for now) has a more pleasant ending than much of the previous ones. This brought about a backlash from the most devoted of fans, when these latter readers attacked and barraged the 'positivists', for influencing the whole series in the latter's favour.

This author intervened in the fiery argument, seeking the readers' wish for the outcome of his next stories. Many responded to his poll: 'It is up to you; don't worry about what others say!' Some responded as loudly as possible 'WE WANT A HOPEFUL ENDING!', continuing the ambition of their represented fan-faction. Others, desiring to ensure the mood of the story remains 'ever-consistent', though being of lesser numbers, shouted back through the chat rooms: 'KEEP IT BITTERSWEET, KEEP IT TRAGIC, KEEP IT CONSISTENT!"
Despite this, this author promised to his readers that he will 'write a novel based on your expectations', after he finishes three more books. Meanwhile, he establishes a website for those bothersome fan-factions, for each one to send a representative for a debate against the other.

The two loud-mouthed groups began consolidating, initially as several squabbling factions vying for dominance of their respective side, only to be subsumed into the more organised and bigger ones over time. Just one month before this author completes his third novel, the debate has begun, as both sides had already prepared and selected their candidates.

The 'Positivist' side began its argument:

'The author should adapt to the needs of his audience, for each and every one of its members. If his audience wants somethings, he should give it to them right away, so that he can earn more.'

The 'Continuist' side later began its argument:

'The author should not let his readers, or criticism, influence him too much. Let him proceed with his own, as long as it remains consistent with his prior works in the series. Money and popularity are not so important, but it is always quality that makes a story as fine as a precious gem. Consistency and quality always go side-by-side with each other, propelling a mere story into greatness.'

By their request, this author posts the debate to his website, where it garnered constellations of comment threads in each of the two sides, with many respondents casting their votes online.

Now place yourself into one of these respondents' shoes. Whose side are you on?

  • Always listen to your 'loyal fanbase', and never contradict them
  • Write your story, your own way! In fact, you cannot please everyone at once.

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