Saturday 26 July 2014

TOTA - Intermission 1 - Why Not Divulge?

Dear Dad,

Your stories are quite well-written, but most of them are about subverting clichés, and of authors, writers, fanbases, readers, and their dealings with each other. There's nothing wrong with twisting and re-inventing clichés, but why don't you write something more "ordinary"? You should write what you enjoy writing about, rather than waste a lot of time and effort "exterminating" clichés - it's an impossible struggle to escape the inescapable. In fact, if you continue to write the same sort of things again and again, you end up creating new clichés!

Don't you revile clichés, Dad? I know that your works will be "different", but why not make them variable? In that way, you can freshen up some literary genres, and gain more readers to inspire!

Or, it's best to just write what's comfortable for you, because that's what good authors (like you) do.

Yours truly, with love,

Felicia Priamus.

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