Friday 25 July 2014

The Tale of The Author - Part 4 - The Student - Part 1: All The Way

"So many people say about the girl who overcame the bully. But what about the bully herself?"

And I was that loathsome person, Miss Tracy.

Part 1: All The Way

When I was in my 8th grade, I was the favorite target of a gang of popular girls in the neighborhood. Their respect by the other children, and how they seemed to get so scot-free, inspired me to think, If I wanted friends, I should be like them. By doing this, I'll be teaching those girls what's it like to be hurt.

So I started become meaner and meaner, demanding to my friends respect, landing myself into punishment. But at home, even as my parents were tormented by phone calls from others, they did not even dare to bother, preferring to shower me with toys and TV instead of restrain me, up until I was beaten up, when they started doing so. But this still failed to change me, creating much anxiety and fear for them both.

My bullying went on to my freshman year, where I had some friends of mine and the "cool boy" Roland; and a week later, first met my nemesis, the not-so-shy Cassandra. Due to our good singing and ukulele/guitar singles we composed since Tuesday, we had some supporters (not everyone in the school!).

I then used my popularity to add to Cassandra's torment, treating her like as if she is "too ugly, and too dumb, for either a boyfriend or anything useful". Gossiping, slandering, tricking her into trouble, and leaving her into punishment, just any excuse: that's how to make sure that sucker better keep out of our way!

But to make up for being weak, she gathered Dorcas, Lisa, Riley, and Jane Tang, one by one, to crutch her. They too are often overlooked, but like us and Cassie, they also are hungry for popularity. (I don't know why we did all this, aside from blaming the TV shows we watch) So, much of my time in school was to emulate my star, Danaë-Chloë Reginald, the fabulous cheerleader who fought (and back-stabbed) her way to power, by breaking up Cassie's flower-chain.

Nevertheless, these plucksies never gave up. Our attacks strengthened them, to the point that they became brave enough to fight back against us. From our (Tracy, Doris Lu-Suo, Dinah Alberts) cheerleading teams to the usual breaking out into song-duels in the cafeteria and hall-ways, our war for popularity lasted all the way to our prom; that very night where boring, cheesy high school movies climax for some reasons we know.

Cassandra's hard work, improved (innocuous) behavior, and sheer intelligence earned her the prom crown I so longed for; with it, there goes my popularity, as my fans don't wanna get toughened up by my coolness. I and my possé were just about to get even with her, before we were carted away by some jocks as far away from Cassie as possible. AARGH!

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